10 April 2008

The Blessings of a Friend

Went several places today and looked at quite a few apartments. Some nice, some not so nice, a couple a little scary. May end up in one of these but want to look a while longer.

I talked with a friend today who is also making big changes in her life. We were comparing notes. She too seeks to live her life to the glory of God. She gets the "whole life" concept. You know, that everything you do is for God. You don't have a separate social, work and spiritual life. I am grateful she is in my life. I need support from someone who understands life is about The Journey.
  • The people God uses you to touch with His love and grace.
  • The chance for you to offer comfort and bring hope.
  • The time spent with Him in quiet listening for His Spirit.
  • The joy of serving others.
  • The gift of sharing Him and leading others on their first steps on The Journey.
  • The pleasure of fellowship with others who seek to do His will.

When you are with such a giving soul as her's it is easy to open up and share your own steps and let her lift you and guide you on the way. I had originally called her to see how she was doing with the changes she is making and ended up being comforted by the encouragement she gave me.

This year has been a great one for clearer vision. God has shown me over and over again how much he cares by the special people He's gifted to my life.

Thanks Tammy for reflecting Jesus' love so brightly, thanks for always having a comforting word, thanks for keeping me motivated on my journey.



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