28 June 2008

Why do we kill people who kill people to show people that killing people is wrong?

This one is a mouthful, or more accurately a heartful. I have been on both sides of this issue but the longer I live the more I believe capital punishment is wrong. I know many of you will be emailing me scripture which supports the state using death as a punishment. I'll not deny it.

What I have always had trouble walking away from is one particular instance where the death penalty was averted in the scripture. Jesus never told the Jews that the laws of Moses were not to be followed. But on one occasion He was involved in stopping an execution. In John 8 there is the situation where a woman caught in the act of adultery was brought forth to be stoned. Is it just me or has anyone else wondered where her partner in crime was? According to the law they both should have been stoned to death. Christ does not tell the Pharisees they are wrong to want to stone her, he just asks that only those who have not sinned should mete out the punishment. Rather than answer His challenge they walk away. When He finally speaks to the woman He asks her who condemns her. She replies that no one does. Christs tells her "Neither do I, go on your own way and from now on don't sin."

For me it's a case of actions speaking louder than words. No matter how you interpret any of the scriptures reasoning for the use of capital punishment, I can't forget Christ's example. There were so many areas where He might have gotten involved in social reform, He did not speak out against slavery. He didn't call for rebellion against the Romans. He did not protest the heavy handedness of the Pharisees. He did not even speak out against the very issue of capital punishment. Why then would he bring about a stay of this woman's execution?

I don't know why? All I know is that for me the issue is simple, capital punishments solves nothing. A chance for redemption for the criminal is stolen. A chance for the victim to forgive is taken. In the analysis of crime statistics no one can agree that capital punishment has any impact on dissuading others. I live in a state where the majority of the executions in this country take place. Here in Texas you can have been a child when you committed the crime and the state will wait until you reach adulthood to kill you. You can be mentally challenged and not fully understand what you have done and still be killed for it. You can find redemption, and still be killed.

For me the answer is this, my Savior stopped a crowd from killing a woman for a crime she had committed. I can do no less. I am and will continue to be fully Pro-life, not just "innocent" life, but all life. From before the cradle to the grave I will work to save lives.

This is not an easy stand, most of the people I go to church with do not agree with me, a good deal of my friends believe me to be wrong, and the majority of my family disagree as well. I cannot let that keep me from what I believe to be right. So think about where you stand on the important decisions in life and do what you feel called to do. To do less is as good as doing nothing at all.

Pro-life for life,


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