29 April 2004

Bad Manners

Today I was talking to someone who is the mayor of a town here in Texas and I learned the extent to which rude people plague our nation. This Mayor is dealing with a city council in which several of it's members have forgotten there are common decencies every citizen deserves. One particular member was addressing some of his constituents by calling them rude and vulgar names. He had even gone so far as to use these terms in an e-mail from his office. Had he done this in corporate America he would face possible termination. Because he is an elected official, no such consequence awaits him.

The entire situation got me thinking how far we have come from the day when two people could disagree without resorting to obnoxious behavior. When did it become acceptable to be mean and hateful? How does this become so common place that we allow it to continue?

Shame on us for condoning with our silence. Shame on us for trivializing good manners. Shame on us for not holding each other to higher standards. Shame on his Mama for not raising him right. Shame on him for being disrespectful to his constituency. Shame on everybody who elects this kind of person.

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