14 January 2009

You must be the change you want to see in the world

This is my favorite quote from Gandhi. It puts the responsibility for the state of the world on each of us. If you see trouble around you, what are you doing about it? Everyone I had lunch with today is a regular blood donor. They see an opportunity to do something that is needed and take it. It is just that simple. More than once this week I have been talking with friends and they have shared how much some act of service they are involved in has changed their life. Taking action to help solve a problem brings a two-fold response. It helps the situation and it blesses the one giving of himself. I cannot tell you how much my soul is renewed when I place myself in service to others. I am always so blessed and my spirit is refreshed.

Next week begins a new administration. Our President will be facing many problems both here and abroad. America is in for a change. Now is the time to ask yourself what part you are going to play in it. No matter who you voted for, now is the time for us to come together and work with each other. I believe God places each of us here to share His love for the world. I am excited about the chance to do so in this new year and can't wait to see how it will change me.

Thankful for the blessing in sharing love,


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