10 May 2006

Joining the rest of us

Has anyone been following the Memphis Declaration in which the signees are repenting of the narcissism of Southern Baptists? It goes on to repent of arrogance and judging instead of loving. I will admit I didn't think I would ever read such a document from anyone in the Southern Baptist Convention.

I used to belong to a group of people who called themselves believers who participated in an e-mail Bible study. I'll grant that they were all church members, but I don't think I'd endorse anything further. The leader would address a scripture and his views on the same. We would all pass comments back and forth. As the only non-Baptist in the group, I would often be the recipient of many comments stating how wrong my views were. Rarely was this pointed out to me in a kind or considerate manner. The nature of the mail sent my way was hateful and cruel. I would usually find my inbox full of mail stating how I must "be listening to the devil", "not really saved", "an agent of Satan", and words I'll not repeat here for they are too vile. These would all be addressed to me personally, unlike most of the mail that was exchanged freely between us all.

It was during this time I adopted a ban on dating Baptist men. I will admit to remaining part of the group out of morbid curiosity. After all, I have two sisters, two brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews and cousins too many to count who are all Baptist. We don't have any trouble getting along. Is it because they are family? Or is it because they are secure in their faith and don't need to defend it by attacking others?

"We would be in the best shape if
we kept in essentials, Unity;
in non-essentials, Liberty;
and in both Charity."

This motto works well within my family. Maybe you can help me convince all the followers of Jesus it's the way to go.



P.S. The ban on dating Baptists is now reviewed on a case by case basis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, big sis,
about the Baptist thing--ha! Actually, maybe we all get along because we don't lump each other into stereotypes. (sp?) I wouldn't hold you responsible for all Presby stupidities as I would hope I wouldn't be held accountable for all Baptist stupidities. Anyway, as for my family, we are Christians who believe that the Bible is God's Word, without any errors, and you must accept Christ's gift of salvation to be saved. We just happen to go to an Independent Baptist church.

-from outside the Great State of Texas