11 January 2005

I don't like being sick

The last few days have not been any I will want to remember. Finally caught the cold that has been going around work. Can't breathe and tried to cough up a lung. Got that under control and my ears filled. Actually burst an eardrum this morning. Having done so in the past at least I knew what had happened and what to do.

Made a stop by my favorite doctor today to start some antibiotics to hopefully keep the other ear safe. Unfortunately I am limited in what I can take to get better. Can't take decongestants as they get me wired and I don't sleep for days. Have been sucking down lots of fluids, taking half doses of Liquibid, using aromatherapy and heat packs. Still you just have to sweat it out. With the fever I have been keeping that has definitely been happening.

It's been weird, I have never missed two days in a row at work except for when I had surgery 15 years ago. Still, I am glad my parents are in town for a while. The best thing you can have when you're sick is a mother to kiss you and tell you it will all get better. There is powerful magic medicine in a mother's touch, no matter how old you are.

Hope all of you are well and don't get this.

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