24 September 2004

Being Judged

After spending the day in a fruitless search for extra work I was ready to pack it all in. Unfortunately there was still much more to come.

The lady mentioned in my previous entry called me back. She started with a tirade questioning my Christianity as I was unwilling to help her. She asked why I wouldn't work for her. I told her it had disturbed me that she had broken her word not to call me at work. She said that was not a good reason to abandon someone. I informed her that I have worked many times in the past for people who did not keep their word and did not wish to do so again.

She began telling me all the reasons she had to have gone back on her promise. She didn't apologize but just listed her excuses. She asked me if what she had done was unforgivable. I told her that nothing was beyond the boundaries of forgiveness. Still, she had yet to ask for mine. Too bad she couldn't bring herself to apologize, I would have forgiven her and then tried to find some way to help her.

She stated I could not be a Christian or I would not have treated her this way. I explained to her that I knew myself to be a Christian as I have an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus Christ. After continuing to yell at me for a few more minutes she at last hung up.

I headed downstairs to let Sharon know of the situation. For her accounting of the events visit her blog. After three or four minutes the woman called back. She was still loud and now rather mean spirited. She attempted to sway me with badly misquoted scripture about judging others and the wrath of God. I explained that I was not judging her but that how we behave in an instant gives witness to our true character. (refer here for more)

She said my faith was worthless as I was unwilling to help a fellow Christian. I reiterated I was comfortable in my belief I was a child of God and that she was mistaken about how much I helped others. I explained there were several areas where I gave of my time and talents.

Sadly I could see no way to reach this woman. She wouldn't let me finish a sentence without interrupting using harsh and hateful words. She hung up after telling me I was the sorriest witness of God she had ever known.

Five minutes later she called again with one final proclamation.

"This is __________________, I just want you to know you will never have God's mercy because you have shown no mercy to me." She hung up for what I hope was her final insult.

At that point I felt a heavy sadness for this woman. I do not believe that any one who can be this rude and cruel knows the love of God. Even worse, she has been deceived into believing she is one of His and it will be hard to convince her she needs a Savior.

If you've taken the time to read this all the way through, thanks. I would like to ask a favor of you. Please pray for this woman. She needs God's love.

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