11 August 2010

...and a little child will lead them

Saturday night found me with my three favorite little girls.  We gathered in the kitchen to cook dinner together and caught up on our time apart. After we had finished eating, the twins were playing with their Pokeman cards (Who knew they were still around?).  The oldest was helping me fold my laundry while telling me all about camp.  The evening escalated when a trade went bad and one sister demanded her cards back.  

After a mediation that would have made Kissinger proud, we had a long talk about having a generous spirit.  We took a moment to review the day to see how often someone had shown generosity to them.  All of the girls then began to offer ideas on how they could be generous to others.  They were grandiose and difficult to implement.  I listened until they came up empty and then suggested perhaps they could start with being generous in their own home.  I haven't heard yet how that plan has worked out, but am looking forward to the stories I am sure I will hear when we are together again.

Heading to bed a little later than I would have liked, the girls settled down for me to come and share nighttime prayers with each.  As would be expected each asked for God's help in their task.  Over the years, I have learned any surprises in prayer are most likely going to come from Julia.  This night was no exception.  She gets so excited talking to God, she stumbles over her words trying to get them out as fast as she can.  She took a moment's pause and then thanked God for "knowing what was in my heart even when I say something else." After hugs and kisses I told her I was glad she knew that God knew what was in her heart.  She said  "Even if you pray for something you think you might want, God knows what you really want and what you need."

I am always so blessed by my time with these girls, the love and joy we share never fails to be a balm for my soul.  I am doubly blessed to be able to have moments where I can see God's Kingdom as a little child does.  Being a part of their faith journey enriches my own, and I am thankful.

Looking forward all these sweet girls will continue to teach me,


1 comment:

Daune said...

Children do have a way of leading us,rather, dragging us to places we wouldn't normally go!
I love how you honestly write about stuff!!!