09 July 2010


It's something I do daily.  Can I stand without falling this morning?  Have I enough grip to hold a spoon for cereal or is it a toast kind of day?  At my current rate of movement, how long will it take me to get dressed for work?  The morning assessment drives my plan for the day. Occasionally I'll stop for a moment and ponder how odd it is that I now make time to consider things I used to take for granted. 

This morning as I was spending some quiet time in preparation for the day I read a quote from Saint Francis de Sales that got me thinking. He said "Be who you are and be that well." Considering that as I got dressed for work I concluded I was going to be a person who moved slowly today but was going to help everyone I could.  At the heart of me, nothing has really changed in my motives and desires.  I have just had to changed how I work them out on a day to day basis.

I believe the need to daily reassess has turned into a gift.  No longer can I just jump into the day with little or no thought or preparation.  I know that having to think more about how to achieve what I want has helped me to "Be who you are and be that well."  Regardless of how I may feel at any given moment about the situation that has brought me here, I need to remember it has blessed me with the opportunity to be the best me!

Musings from a challenged day,


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