09 October 2005


This started out as a great week. Lots of work scheduled, good for the cash flow which more closely resembles a trickle. A good friend coming for the weekend was the perfect ending.

What actually occurred was less than spectacular. I started feeling a little off as the week wore on. I thought it was allergies. I was working at the store the day we had a window to shatter and we were open to the elements all day. Thursday night I had trouble sleeping with coughing and congestion keeping me awake. By Friday morning I had added fever, raspy voice and a sore throat to the collection. I came home from work early and added in a migraine and the monthly joys of womanhood. By the time the long awaited friend made it into town Friday night I could do little more than whisper hello.

He and Sharon headed out for a late dinner and I headed to bed. I vaguely remember hearing them come in but little else. That night was devoted to more uncomfortable periods of trying to sleep. I didn't want to take anything that would impair me from getting up to go to work in the morning. Somewhere in the early hours I completely lost my voice.

I trudged off to work that morning feeling like death would be a good alternative. Now not even I am irreplaceable but I feel obligated to make sure the opening work is done at the store on my days to do so. I headed in to get those tasks accomplished but was not staying to work the floor. It's hard to give good service when you feel like crap and can't talk.

I came home to find everyone still asleep here. I took all the allowable medication I could get my hands on and crashed. Evidently when suitably drugged I can sleep through anything. I never heard any conversations, showers being taken, laundry being done or them leaving the house.

They came home to check on me before they went out for Chinese. I had risen to get something to eat and was munching a sandwich in bed. I still couldn't speak so we resorted to sign language and writing notes. I made sure to gargle each time I was awake in an effort to find my voice. It was silly to have a dear friend visiting and not be able to say a thing to him. Sharon woke me up when they got back so I could say goodbye to Nestor. Well, I could at least mime it. Wished I could have spent some time with him. He's great fun to be with.

Spent today resting and continuing to gargle so I don't lose this altered voice I have gotten back. I surprised both myself and Sharon when I tried to tell her something and sound came out.

Back to work tomorrow thankfully in the evening. Hope your week was not as much of a let down as mine was.

On a brighter note there was some great news this week. The newest addition to our family is going to be a new nephew for me. My sister found out this week and let us all know. I can say that was the best moment of the week for me.

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