19 June 2005

One thing led to another

I headed over to spend Friday evening with the girls oft mentioned here. It was a "series of unfortunate events". They led to a series of giggle fits.

Julia needed to visit the little girls room. While there we had to deal with a malfunctioning porcelain throne. She was totally enthralled with the properties of the plunger. I had to convince her it was not a new toy for her playtime fun. Said problem was resolved and we returned to dinner.

Our next event happened at the dinner table. Meredith knocked her milk off the table. Being the quick thinker she is, she tried to catch her cup. She was almost successful. The result was milk flying across the room. Droplets let loose found their way into everyone's hair, onto all the plates, the wall and even this laptop was baptized. Since they have been taught not to cry over spilt milk, we could only laugh as we cleaned up the mess.

Next on our agenda was making Father's Day cards for their dad. Not too much mayhem doing this until.......Julia decided to see if her safety scissors could cut her hair. They can! It's not too noticeable and happily she wasn't scheduled for photos.

Our earlier excursions with milk necessitated all having a bath and shampoo. Outside of convincing little ones sister doesn't really like water being poured over her head and that bath water is best not drunk, bath time went fairly well. I was fairly well wet anyway.

Fortunately bedtime followed shortly thereafter before anything else untoward could happen.

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