02 July 2004

It Means What?

The Rev. Kim Nelson, of San Jose, CA, pointed out that the Health Issues Committee was closely divided on the issue after heated debate. Even if emergency contraception were to become available without prescription, he said, it would still be “behind-the-counter” and require a pharmacist's counsel. “This is not about terminating a pregnancy,” he said, “but a decision to support effective contraception.”

I was going to follow this quote with the definition of contraception. I went to several websites for a link and got a huge surprise. The definition for contraception has been changed. I don't know when it happened.

In 1976 American Heritage Dictionary defined contraception as follows:

Contraception: The prevention of conception.

It is this year defined as:

The prevention of conception or impregnation

Now it's no longer history that falls under the revisionist's agenda, but words themselves. As a long time lover of words this makes my heart heavy. Sure words have had eras where they can take on new meaning, but the original still remained.

That we have allowed this to occur makes me ill. I'll forego what I had planned to write and instead mourn the loss.


Earl said...

It is said that he who defines the terms has already won the debate. Verbal engineering inevitably precedes social engineering.

The Culture of Death is waging a war against the Gospel of Life and all that is good and godly. Its first victim is Truth.

Keep telling it!

Times Against Humanity

ID: Clergywomen and Clergywoman said...

I agree! I love words, also. This is what it means!

On Sun., Jan. 11, 2004, I asked the Lord to give me a brand new, never-before-used word. He did. And your post gives the first example of revisionist history that I have found which best illustrates these new words that the Holy Spirit gave to me. I have shared these new terms (below) with people and asked them to use the terms widely so they can eventually become part of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary by virtue of frequency of use.

I have notarized, date-stamped, and sealed the message in a postal mailed envelope (to myself)to be open at such time that they catch on with the populace.

The main word and related words the Lord gave me are as follows:

"Erasinity." -- (E-ra-sin-it-y)
(long e - long a - short i - short i - short i )

The Lord said this is when revisionists not only seek to revise history but also to do away with any trace of what had taken place in the past. He said that this is particularly true in terms of Biblical accounts and the Christian experience. Efforts are underway by "Erasinogists" (those who engage in the practice of "Erasinity") to do away with every aspect of Godly morals, virtues, values. And we need to take up "Erasology" (the study of "Erasinity") and become "Erasologists" (those who study "Erasinity"). So, if anybody wants to read my original announcement via email, please contact me and I will send it on. Dear Reader, continue to take heart. We serve the God who lives and reigns forevermore Supreme. And He truly is God all by Himself. Prayerfully, God bless. http://silentthundersheart.blogspot.com