04 July 2006

Happy Birthday America !

Benjamin Franklin once said the Constitution guarantees the right for each citizen to pursue happiness, it was up to everyone to catch it for himself.

I copy this alphabet guide into each new journal I start. For me it is the best way to find happiness. It began as a list that I and a very dear friend modified to suit our needs when we were both teenagers.

Accept differences.
Be kind.
Count your blessings.
Express thanks.
Give freely.
Harm no one.
Imagine more.
Jettison anger.
Keep confidences.
Love truly and deeply.
Master your tongue.
Nurture more.
Open your mind.
Pray every day, all day.
Quiet your soul.
Seek wisdom.
Touch hearts.
Use your creativity.

Value truth.
Work for peace.
eXcite others.
(try finding a verb that begins with "x")

Yearn for understanding.
Zealously support your family and friends.

Please feel free to make use of it for yourself.



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