07 June 2006


What has over 3,000 legs, lots of enthusiasm, and a noise level that can rattle your brain?

Vacation Bible School at Grace Presbyterian Church.

I volunteered to work VBS on Monday and will do so again tomorrow. I can honestly say a good time was had by all. It was great to see the church filled with young and old.

I spent quite a bit of time chatting with several children and each were so candid in their comments. " I liked the story but it won't be a good movie" " The food was o.k." "Aren't you too old to be in vacation Bible School ?" When I replied I was just helping out he asked me how old I was. When I told him his eyes got big and said " Wow, what's it like to be that old ?"

For the most part children default to the truth. I find it totally refreshing and it's why I love to spend time with kids.

Last week Julia and I were once again at her bedside while she prayed. She thanked God for the nice day. Thanked Him for His help with her being a better girl today than yesterday. ( I didn't ask what prompted that comment) She then came out with what was quite possibly the truest thing I have ever heard. She said " Thank you for my sisters cause I love them so much......most of the time."

I'm sure there are many siblings who have felt the exact same way.


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