15 August 2005


I make impressions every day. Whether it's the customer in front of me or a potential client, I have to make a good first impression. While at the store we try to reach every customer with information about how we can help them. This is referred to as an impression. Since I have now had the opportunity to pass along my insight to the newly hired people I have given this subject much thought.

It was also the subject of our new co-pastor's first sermon yesterday. From making his first impression upon us, to the impressions Samuel had when God sent him to anoint a new king. Fortunately he did not have to rely on his own "king choosing" skills. God had already seen the one He wanted to call. God chose someone for the state of his heart, not how he looked.

So the question I have been mulling over is: how can I make an impression worth noting? I shared with my co-workers my thinking had changed when I re-evaluated what an impression is. When you take a coin and push it in to clay it leaves an impression. What I found interesting is the object impressed is changed. If I do it right, the impression others have of me brings some change in them. Now I'm praying I become someone God can use to leave a great impression.

1 comment:

A.T. said...

Thanks for the insightful thought of leaving an impression on others and leaving a change on them for His Kingdom. Now I can sleep! -Athena