26 May 2005

Don't disagree with a SUV

Tuesday I was running a little late to work. There was an accident along the way and I pulled into a parking lot to stop and help. As I was on my way across the street to offer aid I got hit by what seemed to me to be a really big Suburban. Turns out it was just a regular sized Suburban, but when you are lying on the ground looking up at the grill it seems enormous.

I'm basically o.k. Fairly well banged up with a sprained wrist. It could have been a lot worse. Not every disagreement between human flesh and large SUVs ends with so little damage.

The story has been a good for lots of laughs this week. Even I have chuckled mightily about it. I have become best friends with Advil and hot baths with Epsom salts.

Before you ask, I will continue to stop and render aid whenever the need arises. It's just something you have got to do. I'll try to hide from SUVs though.

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