11 April 2005

Catching up

The last few weeks have seemed to fly by faster than I could keep up with them. The abridged version includes the following. Finally got my Aunt Carol to come stay with me a few days. She and my Aunt Novele were in Houston for a conference held at my church. I was glad to spend time with them. The week they came had been a hard one filled with the passing of a friend and dental emergencies. Following their visit was some unhappy time with a repair shop that didn't fix the problem and misled me about their practices. Shortly thereafter I caught the virus that wouldn't quit. Ended up spending five days in bed. Still coughing occasionally.

That being the synopsis of my recent life, there have been a few moments which have stood out.

Dave gave a sermon during Lent that caused me to think of something in a whole new way. I have always thought the words "It is finished" as uttered by Christ on the cross as the fitting end to the beyond horrible day He had endured. Now I can see that it was so much more. With His sacrifice came the end to so many things. It was the end of the law. No longer was adherence to rather strict and complicated rules a means to seeking God's grace. Never again would there be a need to offer up sacrifices. From that moment on, God's grace was given to all who would believe in His Son. He was the only sacrifice that could cover and cleanse our sins. When Christ said those words all of life was changed. Nothing is like it was before. So often we associate Christ's life on earth as a pivotal time. In fact, it can all be traced to the instant those words fell from His lips.

I had never considered this before. It has caused me to ponder many things. I have often thought how my life can change in a instant. In an instant I became an aunt. One moment I had no nieces or nephews, now I have eleven. In an instant I lost a love. One drunk driver taking a wrong turn altered my life. In an instant I have found many friends. When you come down to it my life is constantly modifying as these instances are all strung together. But these words forever changed everyone's life. This thought is still impacting my life and I am excited about the change.

If you haven't felt the power of the change these words have wrought, let me know. I would love to tell you of it.

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