04 May 2009

Waxing philosophical

Got home Saturday night and found God had answered the little girls' prayers when I found a parking spot right in front of my apartment. I was overjoyed, home right at midnight and no long hike from the car! All of that excitement had me so off balance I decided to tackle a task I hadn't had time or energy for.

I had been unable to shave my legs while dealing with shingles. Now that I had finally recovered I went by the store to replace my razor. Standing in the personal care aisle at Target I recalled smooth weeks waxing used to bring. I had waxed all through my twenties and thirties. For reasons I cannot recall, I switched to shaving somewhere in my early forties. .

So with things going so well Saturday night, I decided it was time to return to the land of the hairless. Maybe my memory is fuzzy, or maybe biological changes came into play: but whatever the cause when I peeled the strip off I wanted to scream like a little girl! I don't remember it being that bad. I gave it a couple of more passes and decided to stop before I passed out! I have become a complete wimp!

I am firmly convinced that waxing should be added to the list of unacceptable practices covered in the Geneva Convention. If I had known any state secrets I would have spilled them.

So if in the future you hear of me waxing, it will definitely be of the philosophical variety.

Looking for a new razor,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was hilarious! I had my daugher wax my eyebrows when in NY last month and I screamed like a baby...I did that in Beauty school and it was no biggie, but now I am positive I'll never wax again...and the legs, well, I did that once, and never again, either!
But waxing elequent isn't something I think would look good on me ever! Don't have the vocabulary, though I do enjoy guffawing occasionally!!!!
Have a great weekend!
And your comment about love was extremely encouraging, too!!!