02 August 2008

This should make you laugh

This little guy knows that happiness is of his own making. The hard part for him and for all of us is to remember that happiness is a choice we make. It's certainly influenced by our surroundings, but ultimately we either choose to be happy or don't.

You can find joy in all sorts of places. Earlier this week I was pretty worn out. I had a rough day and could not wait to get home. Once I got home I parked the car and went to get out. While driving home some of my joints locked up and my knee just didn't want to let me stand. I sat there for a moment and contemplated how I would even call for help. Do you call a friend and say "I'm stuck in my car and can't get out." For some reason just the thought of having to call someone to help me get out of the car started me giggling. It is not the first time I had been stuck in a car. Twice I have been in accidents severe enough that I had to wait for outside assistance to get out . Here I was again only I had no accident to blame. Giggles soon gave way to very large laughs. Before I knew it, things loosened up and I was free from my Nissan. I was sharing this story at work today and had everybody in the breakroom laughing along with me. I could have chosen to panic at the moment I realized my predicament. Fortunately, I am predisposed to laughter. I have had so many bizarre moments in my life I have long learned laughter is always a better response.

Still chuckling,


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