13 April 2008

Beautiful days

Everyday is a gift from God but beautiful days like today make it easy to remember. The last few days have been tiring. Calls to and from Africa in the middle of the night make it difficult to sleep and lack of sleep makes everything more difficult. After dealing with the loss of a friend I was sitting with another offering support as he deals with his toddling niece having leukemia.

I have worked many years with families in crisis I know that the most important thing you can do is to offer love and comfort. Give a hug and show your support. Don't look for the right words because there are none. Job's friends were the best friends ever when they joined him at his side and sat in silence with him. It was when they opened their mouths that he should have sent them on their way. So I hugged my friend, offered to help get out the news about a blood drive for Corinne, and gave blood today while updating my info with the Marrow Donor Registry.

The chance to give hope and help is what really made today a beautiful day and I am thankful for the opportunity and the day.


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