18 April 2004

A Good Example

I started out my day with words from I John 2 and they reminded me of many, but today most particularly of my Aunt Carol. This afternoon she boarded a plane headed to Romania. She goes there to be of service and to aid and visit a friend. This same woman volunteers in a medical office which provides care for those who cannot afford doctor visits. She sings in the choir at her church and conducts the handbell choir. She spends time visiting others as a Stephen Minister, teaches Sunday School, has driven the church bus, and is active in various committees. She is a good neighbor and kind friend to all who know her. She has always been the most supportive and encouraging of aunts. So what does she have to do with the second chapter of First John?

The Only Way to Know We're in Him
Here's how we can be sure that we know God in the right way: Keep his commandments. If someone claims, "I know him well!" but doesn't keep his commandments, he's obviously a liar. His life doesn't match his words. But the one who keeps God's word is the person in whom we see God's mature love. This is the only way to be sure we're in God. Anyone who claims to be intimate with God ought to live the same kind of life Jesus lived.

I John 2:3-6 from
The Message, NavPress Publishing Group

She has taught me by her own life that those who are close to God, show it by how they live their life. No matter how learned someone is in the Scriptures, they do not know them if their life shows no evidence of Christ. All the "right words" mean nothing if they do not live in your heart. If they do live in your heart, there is ample evidence in how you treat others, how you give life to God's love by sharing it, and how you worship Him.

This was taught to us by Christ's own example. He treated all with compassion. He showered those considered unworthy with His Father's love. He worshipped His Father is everything He did. I have been blessed to have many living examples of these lessons before me. I am striving to do as well as they.

To further demonstrate how great God is to me, the sermon today was taken from the verses following these. My Lord has an elegant sense of timing. He makes sure I do not want for what I need.

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